Tag Archives: treat

Help me out with this

It’s Halloween or Samhain, and between that and the massive power outages still in the many areas affected by Hurricane Sandy, I expect rather fewer readers tonight. Go have fun at parties and trick-or-treating if you can! And if you’re stuck at home in the dark and the cold. Well, my heart goes out to you.

For the rare readers who are still here, I’ll just pose a quick question to you. You might have already seen how Real Clear Politics has again changed their predicted electoral college map, now less than a week before the election. On the one hand, they pulled North Carolina out of Romney’s column and made it a “toss-up” again as if they’re trying to call states based on evenhanded standards. On the other hand though, that means that a solid plurality of the electoral votes in the election are simply too scarily uncertain for them to call.

RCP Electoral College Prediction
(Yes, please refrain from making any predictions in your prediction, that’s the safest way to go.)

So tell me what you think! Are they just going to be endlessly vague until after the election? Or are they actually trying? Is it a trick or a (not particularly desirable) treat?

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